We celebrate our tenth year of prayer intercession in 2024 via free conference call. The prayer line provides connection, fellowship and a safe space to find and feel support for both the spiritual and natural journey through life. Join our community in uplifting each other with biblically based, focused prayer. Visit our prayer page to share your requests. Together, by GOD’s grace we find strength, hope, power and victory in our collective prayers.
Prayer Request
Share with visitors how they can contact you and encourage them to ask any questions they may have.
Intercessory Prayer line
Our hotline to Heaven
518 387-8591
7:30-8:30 am
9:00 pm
We celebrate our tenth year of prayer intercession in 2024 via free conference call. The prayer line provides connection, fellowship and a safe space to find and feel support for both the spiritual and natural journey through life. Join our community in uplifting each other with biblically based, focused prayer. Visit our prayer page to share your requests.Together, by GOD’s grace, lets find strength, hope, and comfort in our collective prayers.